Sunday, January 2, 2011

What is Christmas, anyway?

The Blog is back with no guarantees.  I simply ask that you check back now and again,  Zann

Is it possible that Christmas has become little more than an all out campaign with two candidates: one seeking your cash or credit card, while the other your heart and soul?

The ultimate success of any campaign hinges on message and money.

Forget Campaign Finance Reform, the McCain-Feingold “soft money bill, or Public There is no question as to who has the “my cup runneth over” coffers. Candidate#1, the Retail America Party’s prospect for a golden future, wins easily. The platform consists of one plank: buy, buy, and buy. The slogans are loud, clear and pervasive: “it will help the economy,” “you will feel good,” “you deserve it,” and my favorite, “save some money, live better.”

A well-funded campaign can accomplish remarkable objectives. Pray that the Force will be with us, should this team actually ever decide to run a candidate for political office.

As to Candidate #2, the campaign funds are almost nonexistent and the message is a hard sell at best. This guy’s speech writers must have gotten their training at the five and dime on the corner of Main and Bumpkin Streets. Every year he enters the race a day late and more than a dollar short proclaiming a platform of sacrifice, delayed gratification, and good will toward others. It is no wonder the polls show the opposition with a huge lead!

Nonetheless, and perhaps to no one’s surprise, there is a cadre of supporters in this latter camp possessing an almost maniacal determination to spread the word once again. And what is that word, you ask? It is none other than the old adage professing that Christmas is about much more than getting stuff.

Anecdotal lessons are pulled from the cobweb-laden archives of individual and collective memories then voiced, illustrated, and exampled to all whose hearts, and minds are even vaguely receptive. Stories of hardship, sacrifice and good deeds abound.

Be aware that Candidate #1’s organizers are proficient at message delivery and are not reluctant to using the milk of human kindness to push innocents through the checkout lines with bundles of purchases.

A case in point is one retailer who produces made-for-TV movies. The idyllic picture of the family sharing the evening together with popcorn and pizza while basking in the heart warming lessons depicted on the screen is rivaled only by the number of advertisements for products that must be purchased in order to live a better life.

Which candidate will win your support?

Look for the message behind the message and more importantly, as a very sage friend once advised me on the question of evaluating advice or proposals, examine the agenda of the presenter.

I made my choice a few years ago. If you find yourself the slightest bit interested, stay tuned for thoughts on the world’s greatest gift to both give and receive.

Until next time, be well.

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