Sunday, June 20, 2010

Technology: Friend or Foe?

My weekend was delightful, albeit a battle of priorities.

Modern technology, touted to make our lives simpler and less stressful through electronics, is a double-edged sword, and at least in my household, a mixed blessing. A balanced existence comprised of high-tech gadgets, human interaction and simple machines requires dedication and patience.

Anyway, the best part of my weekend began on Saturday as I arrived at my daughter’s house with a pint of freshly picked strawberries for each of the four grandchildren. There is no substitute for bribery and strawberries win the day every time.

Lucky for me, Marley, the oldest granddaughter, had finished her chores and was permitted to spend the day and the night at the farm with me. On Sunday, I would exchange her for my only grandson and a trip to the movies.

They say confession is good for the soul and here is mine: I am an email addict, checking it multiple times throughout the day. I have no idea if it was caused by Friday night’s storm or some elfin –like creature that lives behind the thing called a firewall, but alas, connecting to the Internet was not happening!

His or her royal Googleness allowed me on early Saturday morning, but no such luck when I got back home. Of course, all plans were put on hold while the problem was solved. To my horror, the realization struck hard: I was obsessed. The ominous pods that one did not dare sleep beside in the “Body Snatchers” had transformed into a laptop and were taking over the world, one crazed human at a time. Enough! I shut it down.

Marley and I set off for a road trip in search of unfinished furniture, unknown bargains, yard sale treasures and special plants for the front of the house. It has been three long years, since I began a landscaping project off the front porch. There was nothing there but monkey grass and I wanted color, fragrance and the birds and bees. Thwarted by a severe lack of funds, the three years had been utilized well to research the options.

After more than a few delightful hours of treasure hunting, we returned home with a few trinkets, supper, four beautiful plants and happy spirits. Marley headed for the pool and I, for the shovel.

I could have worked well into the night, but having my granddaughter nearby reminded me of such things as eating and sleeping, and so we did.

The first half of Sunday was spent sharing with Marley the responsibilities of caring and nurturing the well being of the place we call home. We had a fine breakfast, strolled through the garden admiring the plants and vegetables, played with the dogs, sprayed for weeds, chatted with visiting friends and finished planting the new acquisitions.

It was time for Marley to go home and for her brother and me to head for an afternoon at the movies.

The Internet problem? It got fixed on Monday morning.

Until next time, be well.

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